Ugh...it's my day off, my day to sleep in, be a little lazy.
And what happens?? My body decides to wake me up at 6 AM!!!! What kind of nonsense is that??
Not only do I wake up, but I can't fall back asleep, my mind just won't shut off. I have an appointment to get my hair cut today, and all I can think about is what I'm gonna have done. Do I want bangs again, or no? Layers? Should I just get it trimmed and call it good? Then I start thinking about cooking breakfast and what to take out to make for dinner. Do I want to make stuffed potatoes again, or should I take out the pork roast and have that with veggies? If I'm gonna do the roast, should I make dinner rolls too?
See what I mean? It just goes on and on. So I decided I should get out of bed and try to be productive. In case you're wondering, I'm failing miserably. I still don't know what I want to do with my hair and my appointment is in just a few hours. And I'm no further in my decision on what to make for dinner or if I should make breakfast.
Any suggestions anyone?
LMAO sis, well obviously you figured out what to do with your hair and it looks fabulous. So hopefully by now you've figured out what you're making for dinner. LOL. And I do the same thing when I'm finally allowed to sleep in, I can't do it. Also can't stand all the thoughts racing through my brain lol.