I'm truly shameless. I realize that this probably doesn't come as a shock, especially to those of you who know me well.
I am seriously jacking today's blog from a fellow blogger (one much more accomplished, I might add). I actually saw it a while back, but have been waiting to use it for...well, for when I didn't really have a decent blog to give you :p
So...many thanks to
The Sassy Curmudgeon for your inspiration.
Today's blog is a list of 7 random things about me. The theory being, of course, that you other bloggers will then also blog with 7 random things about yourselves and everyone will have learned something new...or something like that. Anywho...here we go:
Random Fact #1I am totally that chick in The Heartbreak Kid.
Cue the scene in the car, where said blond "chick" is singing along with EVERY song that comes on the radio. Loudly. Obnoxiously.
Yup, that's me :) I don't really care who's listening, where I am or if I sound good. If music is playing and I know the song, even if it's only a few lyrics, I'm gonna belt it out. And probably hum the parts I don't know. I vaguely remember being embarrassed about this odd trait when I was younger, but as I've evolved into my bitchy, I-don't-give-a-rat's-patooty adult stage, I find that I don't care anymore. People may look at me funny, they may even be wondering if I've escaped from the psychiatric ward at the local hospital. But I just smile in return and sing the next line. Let them wonder.
Random Fact #2I quote lines from movies on a daily basis. Damn it, Janet! I love you." "You're killin' me, Smalls!" and "Houston, we have a problem."

These are just some of my favorites. I do have to credit my two younger sisters though, for the second quote. It's from
The Sandlot and I can't really remember which one of them started saying it, but it has become a family thing. Even my son says it and the movie was clearly before his time. And in case you didn't know, the first quote is from
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and the third quote is from
Apollo 13. (However, if you didn't get that one, I don't really hold out much hope for you.) I have thousands of movie quotes stored in the Rol-a-dex that is my brain and I'm patiently waiting for an opportunity to use each one. If someone would only provide me with the perfect opening with which to respond "Nobody puts Baby in the corner." Also, if you haven't noticed, my blog titles are often movie quotes..or lyrics.
Random Fact #3I am a ridiculously picky eater.I know what you're thinking...how is that possible for someone who loves food as much as I obviously do? But it is definitely possible, I promise you. I know that some of my food issues stem from childhood. In fact, I'm sure that most of them do. Here's a just a few of my quirks: I don't like green beans or peas..in ANY form. I don't like bananas, except banana bread. I don't like onions. I'm allergic to tomatoes.
(REALLY, I promise it's not a joke)
I am leery of other peoples' cooking, mainly because I don't know what "secret" items might be present...like onions or tomatoes or peas or...you get the point. I am NOT, as a rule, a fan of casseroles, there's just something about throwing everything in a pan and calling it dinner that says EWWWWWW to me.
Random Fact #4I have an anti-foot fetish. Now, I realize that may not be the correct wording, but it's what I've taken to calling my "condition". I HATE having my feet touched. As in, NO ONE gets to touch my feet,
NO ONE! I've been known to kick unsuspecting ticklers, to scream obscenities at well-meaning boyfriends poised for a foot rub and have actually deprived myself from the glories that are pedicures until just a few years ago. So, I guess I should refine my policy. Only a select few people are allowed to touch my feet. The people at the pedicure salon (although, I will still kick if they tickle me) are part of this select few for the sole (ha ha, pun INTENDED) reason that they make my feet look so pretty! Which brings me back to my original point, everyone should really have an anti-foot fetish. Feet are GROSS! There's nothing sexy about them, they are made to be walked on and stuffed in shoes and socks all day. Seriously, if someone can explain the allure to me, I'm all ears.
Random Fact #5I think chocolate is a universal cure for everything and should be a daily requirement. 
And in my life it is a daily requirement. (A bit of an oxymoronic thing since I'm diabetic, but to each their own.) I sometimes think it might only be a "girl" thing but I know guys who like chocolate as much as I do, so I'm not sure. Whether it's something as yummy as a giant piece of chocolate cake or something as small as a Hershey's kiss, I try to have some chocolate each day...and I savor every last bit of it!
Random Fact #6I can't stand stupidity or ignorance. 
Unfortunately, it would seem that the rest of the world has yet to catch on to my point of view. I know I've touched on this topic before, and as I pointed out then, I do NOT walk around with my nose in the air thinking I'm better than every one else. Just the stupid people. I kid, I kid. But seriously. I would say that my main issue is that there simply is no reason for ignorance or blatant stupidity. Grow up, read a book, learn to spell, DO something! People should want to better themselves. Why would you want to remain an idiot?
Random Fact #7I despise being called cute.That word should be banned for females over a certain age. It instantly conjures up images of kittens, puppies and pre-pubescent girls. Not something an adult female wants to be associated with visually. Besides, there are numerous other adjectives to use. Tell me I'm beautiful. (Please, what girl doesn't want to hear that once in a while?) Tell me I'm pretty. Or sexy. Or attractive. Or...or...or...well, you get the point anyway. Also, adorable is on my "Do Not Call Me" list.

Well there ya have it, folks. Seven random facts, interesting little tidbits about little ol' me. I'm out for now, gonna go enjoy the rest of my weekend:)
Also, since you're done reading my nonsense for the day,
please, please, please check out the link below and read a fellow blogger. She's hilarious and I'm sure she wouldn't mind a few more fans!
The Sassy Curmedgeon