Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking..."she doesn't post for 2 weeks and then she posts twice in one day?!" In my defence, it's been a crazy couple of weeks, and I've stored this one up to post whenever I had time to do so :)
So...now that it's been over a month, I don't feel quite so guilty for ranting about this.
The earthquake that hit Haiti was a tragedy, there is no denying that. And I would never be so callous as to rant about such a tragedy. HOWEVER...
I'm sure we've all seen our First Lady's address, the commercial asking us to donate to the Red Cross. Was anyone else as irritated with that commercial as I was?! HER FACE DOESN'T MOVE!!!! I swear to you, her mouth moves, but her eyes don't. There's hardly an ounce of compassion or empathy coming from her facial expression or voice. And her sign-off? "Thanks for your help." Are you kidding me? That's what you say to your friends when they spot you five bucks for lunch. NOT how you thank your nation for donating to a cause.
And to make matters worse, they showed the commercial every damn commercial break so that I had to keep hearing her flat voice pleading for assistance and seeing her unmoving eyes stare at me. After about a week, I was ready to never watch TV again...or vomit, depending on my mood.
Our past administrations had some serious problems, some were definitely worse than others but ALL of our former First Ladies could at least work up the appropriate emotional response when appearing in the media or public. I know I should focus my concerns about the current administration on the big things, the "matters" that everyone are debating. But seriously, I think the commercial was just the final straw for me. She is literally the face of the First family, the maternal figurehead of our country. She should have at least tried to show some emotion. And maybe the people shooting the commercial, or the P.R. rep for the White House could have directed her somehow.
Anyway, I'm done. I am truly sorry about what happened in Haiti, and very proud that Americans have grouped together to help in Haiti's time of need.
And if you have somehow managed to escape seeing the commercial, here ya go:
You don't have to thank me :)
LOL omg i watched this for the first time last night on hulu...i see your point here....i think i find her eye brows very un nerving. they seemed to be the worst part of the picture. she used to have eye brows that matched her face. apparently she got a facial or something and that all went to hell!