Interesting little tidbit...I was raised going to traditional Christian church with my mother. When I began to develop a relationship with my father's side of my family, I chose to explore Catholicism, (which they practice). As an adult, I've come to realize that I don't particularly observe any traditional, organized religion. Instead, I've taken practices and other tid-bits from several different "religions" and simply say "I believe."
One of the things I do practice is Lent. I don't fast, but I do give something up for the 40 days and re-evaluate its place in my life. This year I've decided to give up soda and all carbonated drinks (yes, that includes beer, so no green beers on St. Patty's Day for me lol). I know to some, that wouldn't seem like a big sacrifice, but for me it is.
Soda is all about convenience. It's easy to keep close by and grab while I'm writing or reading or doing something else where I don't want to have to actually get up and go to the kitchen for juice or water. It's also a part of the fast food industry, quick and easy, grab your value meal and your soda, all in under five minutes.
Now, anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm far from the "religious" type. I rarely, if ever, go to church. I swear worse than a sailor, I take the Lord's name in vain, and I'm not always the nicest to my neighbors. That being said, I would say that I am a very spiritual person. I believe in the powers of meditation, the healing properties of mind over matter. And I think observing Lent by depriving myself of an "addiction" ( I use that term lightly, I'm not actually addicted to soda) is a great form of self-cleansing and renewal.
So I challenge you all, (and I know, I do that a lot, sue me :p) to try it out. You don't have to fast or convert to Catholicism over-night. No one's going to condemn you to the fiery depths of hell if you slip. But try it, pick something that you think has a form of importance in your life or is taking up time or money that could be better used somewhere else, and see if you can give it up for 40 days. You just might find that you don't "need" it after all.
And to everyone, take a moment for yourselves today, and BREATHE! Sometimes we all forget to do that :)
**Also, if you'd like any more information on the practice or origins of Lent, visit the link. Wikipedia:Lent
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