Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day?
I often wonder what it would be like to be a guy. They seem to have it so easy; they don't struggle with what to wear or bad hair days, they don't have to wear make-up or have to shave their legs. Now granted, I know we females don't have to do any of these things either. And I really am far from a girly-girl who cries when she breaks a nail, but I still like to at least look feminine...even if I'm sitting at a sports bar with a beer screaming at the football game.
In that respect, I don't consider myself much of a girl. I like video games instead of facials, I LOVE football and will curse at the opposing team with the best of guys. If I don't have to do my hair or put on make-up, I won't. I live to spend the day in sweats or pajamas relaxing with junk food.
I'd say that I'm a tom-boy except a few glaring facts: I am sooooooooo not athletic in even the slightest sense. I'm pretty sure I could trip over a flat surface in bare feet. Also, I don't particularly like getting dirty...AT ALL!! Snakes and bugs and creepy crawlys make me scream like...well, like a girl.
So maybe I wouldn't make a good guy...cuz don't you get called names for screaming like a girl?
But think how nice it would be to be assertive and not be called a bitch. To act the way you want and get told you're a leader, not a spoiled brat. To have sex with whom you want and be called a stud, not a whore or slut or ho.
I wonder if any guys sit and wonder what it would be like to be a chick?
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