Before I have everyone jumping down my throat about conspiracy theories or trying to explain to me that it was "just a movie", let me defend myself by saying that I realize that The Matrix is only a movie, a product of science fiction. That being said, every piece of fiction has a basis in reality, otherwise it wouldn't be as easy to let ourselves believe in it.
I'm really not here to debate how much of the movie's plot is "real"...believe it or not, today's post is actually about something...IMPORTANT :o I know, we're all shocked!
I am currently re-reading a book by one of my favorite authors. I know, I know..I'm so lame that I re-read books. Anyway...the book is The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. One thing that I really enjoy about his writing is that he is a very knowledgeable author and he heavily researches his topics. For those of you who haven't yet read the book, I won't go into too much detail, but one of the topics discussed in The Lost Symbol is the noetic sciences.

As described on the Institute of Noetic Sciences website:
"Noetic sciences use scientific methods to explore the 'inner cosmos' of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the 'outer cosmos' of the physical world."
I've only recently started exploring noetic sciences myself. I've always been interested in dream interpretation, mind over matter and the power of meditation and positive thinking, but noetic science really is a lot more than that. Think about it. If you could change your day, your mood or even the state of your health with a thought, wouldn't you?
This isn't a new topic by any means. People have been debating the power of thought or prayer, the "sixth" sense, intuition and gut-feelings for years. In fact, the Institute of Noetic Sciences was founded over 35 years ago. Until recently however, the majority of the public has dismissed most of this as "hogwash" or invalid, illogical.
The fascination with the self-help movement has fueled a newer generation though. We, as a society, are growing frustrated with traditional methods and looking for different means to find peace, to better our health, to make our lives less stressful and increase happiness.
So some food for thought:
If I told you that you could improve your life with a simple daily affirmation, that you could reduce the amount of stress and increase peace in your life in just a few minutes, what would stop you from trying?