The Bucket List is a great film. I laughed and I cried and I agreed with the entire premise. I, too, have a "bucket list", a list of things to do before I kick the bucket. I think maybe subconsciously we all do. How many times have you said, "One day I'll do..." or "I'd like to try that someday..."?
I've actually been able to cross a few things off my list, and my hope is to keep adding and crossing things off my list until my time finally comes. I believe if I live my life like that then I can honestly say that I've lived my life. What's the point in making plans if you'll never follow through with them? And what's the point in dreaming if you don't get to fulfil your dreams?
So here's my list:
1.Tour Italy
2.Visit Ireland
3.Have a daughter
4.Own horses
5.Be financially secure
6.Own my own house
7.Buy a car that I love
8.See the Mona Lisa
9.Start a book club
10.Go on a treasure hunt
11.Learn to let go of grudges
12.Read the entire works of Stephen King
13.See all of the castles of Europe
14.Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower
15.Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty
16.See the Grand Canyon
17.Research my family tree
18.Conquer my fears
19.See Linkin Park in concert~~Marked off the list as of July 27, 2007
20.Sing on a stage
21.Write a novel
22.Have a novel published
23.Win the lottery
24.Go to Oktoberfest in Munich
25.Have my palm read
26.See a meteor shower
27.See my son get married
28.Have grandchildren
29.Host an elegant dinner party
30.Find a four leaf clover
31.Marry the man of my dreams
32.See my siblings achieve their dreams
33.Learn to scuba dive
34.Learn to play the piano
35.Swim in the Atlantic Ocean
36.Swim with dolphins
37.Go whale watching
38.Spend the night on a boat in the middle of the ocean
39.Learn to dance
40.Paint a picture
41.See a Giant Panda up close and get to pet it
42.Design a piece of jewelry
43.Wear ballet slippers to my wedding
44.Pierce my tongue~~Marked off the list as of April 7, 2009

45.Get more tattoos
46.Learn a sport
47.Go an entire week without swearing
48.Get a St. Bernard
49.Learn how to do a cartwheel
50.Learn to whistle
It's a long list, and then again it could be longer. Some things will be easier than others to achieve, and still others will simply have to wait as I can't rush them :) Maybe your list will be longer..or maybe it'll be shorter. If you don't think you have one, sit down and really think about it. I'm willing to bet you have at least 1 or 2 things for your list :)
SIS!!!! This is a FABULOUS list! I'll get a tattoo with you! That way you can cross another thing of the list! We'll have to make it a date soon as we both have enough time and a little extra cash to blow on ourselves! love you!
ReplyDeleteI can help you with a few of those....I can teach you to belly dance :) maybe not the type of dance you thought you were gonne do hehe ;) i can teach you to scuba dive...and i have a friend on myspace who is a palm reader! let me know hehe !