"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein
So I was procrastinating again...(are we noticing a pattern here?) and I ran across the above quote by Albert Einstein. It couldn't have been more apt, considering the day I had, than if it had been a bumper sticker proudly proclaiming "I hate stupid people!"
Now contrary to how it might sound, I do not walk through life claiming to be smarter than everyone...but when the majority of the population acts the way they do, one has to stop and wonder.
Take skinny jeans for example: in what acid trip did some coked out designer decide that these were a good idea? And who decided that they were perfect for teenage boys? Has anyone paid any attention to how teenage boys dress? One brief trip past the mall today and I saw more chicken legs than my last dinner from KFC. And they wear them sagged low (which seems like a ridiculous oxymoron to me) so that, in addition to their chicken legs, I can also see what color and size boxers they wear. Cuz that's what I look for in a man...scrawny chicken legs and getting to see their underwear before it winds up on my bedroom floor.

Example #2: The stupid teeny-boppers working at Subway. I swear, on all that I hold dear, that I know for a fact that I was NOT that obnoxious and rude when I was their age. From their attitudes you would have thought making a couple of sandwiches was the equivalent of asking them to scrub toilets. They slapped our subs together and barely remembered to ask us if we wanted them toasted or what toppings we wanted. And then they overcharged us! I can't remember the last time I was so annoyed with a fast-food restaurant. You would think it was hard or something...
I could actually go on for hours...this is one of those topics for me. Whatever happened to common courtesy? Or common sense for that matter?

I'm gonna stop there for now...I don't wanna scare away my readers already :) But I do invite all of my readers to post your comments and let me know what you think so far. Or post any opinions you might have on the topics :) They would all be greatly appreciated!
I'm out for now folks. Enjoy!
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