For those of you who don't know, the title for tonight is a line from one of my all time favorite movies, Dirty Dancing. It's also a great lead-in for my little rambling :)

Do you have a personal bubble? You know, that space around you that's a "no-no" zone...where only a few are allowed to penetrate and only once they've earned your trust. Well, I do have a bubble. And I really get kinda cranky when someone invades it. As a rule, I'm usually pretty open. I rarely censor myself in company and it takes a lot to offend me...but stepping into my "no-no" zone is a sure fire way to do that. Going so far as to "pop" said bubble by actually touching me (unwanted hugs, unwelcome poking or tickling, etc.) is usually enough for a mean tongue lashing.
Now I'm enough of a realist to step back and take a good look at myself and ask if maybe it's just me. But after a chat with some friends, today in which I discovered that they also had bubbles, I decided to do a little research. Wikipedia happened to have a very interesting article (see link below) and that was all I needed to take this topic and run with it :)
My bubble is very elastic. It can expand out to keep away the crazies that seem to flood public transportation. It also can shrink back to allow for close dancing and flirting (usually there's a bar and alcohol involved.) It's one of the areas in my life that is completely ruled by my instincts and to hell with logic.
Now I'm curious about other peoples' bubbles. Are they also elastic? Is it more of a feminine thing or do guys have them too? How about you reader, do you have a bubble? What happens if someone breaches it? What if they pop it? I know they say that curiosity killed the cat...but my grandma always said satisfaction brought him (or in this case, her) back.
So please, comment and share. And if you don't have a bubble, maybe you'll check out your boundaries the next time you're out in public :) Hey, anything I can do to help out my fellow man ;)
Wikipedia Personal Space
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