Oh roller coaster of life, I'm all done with this ride, thanks.
The ups and downs in my life this last month or so have made me so worn out that I have done little else than just put one foot in front of the other to make it through to the next day.
A quick recap:
The boyfriend and I are still truly, madly, deeply in love. We recently surpassed a year and half of togetherness...and we haven't tried to kill each other yet so...YAY!
The temp job is done and I am once again on the hunt for the perfect employment. In the meantime, I've been playing with my photography and trying to decide if I'd like to be more serious about it. The answer is mostly yes. Now to just have it start making me money.
We've got a busy summer ahead of us and so I'm attempting to start planning some things out now. Which reminds me, does anyone have a cheap, refurbished laptop they wanna give/sell me? I'm gonna need to be mobile real soon...or RM will be on hiatus again. And I don't really want that.
Stress levels still remain nuclear some days...but the boyfriend and I are a team and that is helping us to tackle some of the worst culprits. Hopefully there will be some big changes soon.
The weather has been teasing me with glimpses of sunshine. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Spring may truly finally be here. If I'm wrong, I don't want to know about it.
As for the previous post, one of my favorite girlies is struggling with her soon-to-be teenage daughter. Our convo last night prompted the train of thought: What will I tell my son when that time comes? So there it is...and maybe it'll work and help her or other parents. It's an abyss of unknowns and I'm soooooooooooo not looking forward to it. Where's the button that keeps our children little, sweet, innocent babies forever?
Anywho...I appear to back in the saddle and hope to have some funny/satirical/sarcastic posts for you shortly. As always, any ideas, thoughts and/or comments should be left below. Criticisms should be sent to the circular file.
Toodles my dears! A great big thanks for your understanding and unwavering support :) Without you, there would be no RM.
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