Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pillow Talk, Kat style!

Have you ever seen MTV's Cribs?

Nearly every shot of the master bedroom includes the line: "This is where the magic happens."

I've always wanted to ask, "Where the hell do you sleep, then?"

Last night I realized that maybe, just maybe, not all of those people were referring to sex.

It's light's out and the boyfriend and I are snuggling, saying good night and I love you and whatnot when this gem comes out: "How many people do you know that would punch you in the nose and then make you breakfast? That's right. Now go to sleep, I love you."

Now before you all get up in arms...I was offering to punch the boyfriend, NOT the other way around. Also, I would never actually hit him..unless, of course, he's kicking my ass in cards. Then, and only then, I have been known to slap his arm.

I get a little worked up sometimes. I can't help it.

So, rewind to the beginning of the convo that prompted previously mentioned gem.

The boyfriend mentioned that he didn't want to go to work in the morning. I offered to punch him in the nose. He said no, because he didn't want to miss tonight's gig. I countered that if I punched him early enough in the morning he could miss work but be fine and dandy by tonight's gig. He wasn't sold on the idea so I offered to make him breakfast in bed after I punched him. I thought it was a great deal.

He didn't.

So alas, he woke up and went to work this morning. I made him breakfast anyway...well, sort of. If nuking a breakfast burrito counts as "making him breakfast".

Anywho...the boyfriend made a very good point before we FINALLY went to sleep last night. I should start a new blog topic and call it Pillow Talk and have it be all the wacky things that get said while we just lay there talking.

In case you're wondering, I already tweeted it this morning. Maybe we can make it a Trending Topic, whatcha think?

So, a la Sassy's Scenes from a Marriage, here's to the birth of Pillow Talk.

And on that note, Toodles!!

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