For the record, technology hates me. It's a fact. Pretty sad too, since my joyous livelihood depends on technology. Such is my life.
And I'm not the only one struggling. Poor Vi's mp3 player is driving her crazy, the boyfriend's dad's cell took an unplanned swim and Miss J's water pump and motor took a nose dive... I'm thinking it has to be something in the air. Or the water.
Anywho...at the risk of jinxing myself, the interwebs do indeed seem to be back within range of my fingertips and my cell once again has a working charger to give it life and so I think my techno-troubles may be over. My Cowboys also had their first win of the season yesterday, so maybe the tides are in fact turning...
On that note...would you all like a chuckle for your Monday?
Males should be required to take a class that teaches them how to interact with women. They should also be required to pass a test at the end of said class to show that they have learned somewhat of a lesson. A tip? If you are not a bright crayon, don't even try to talk to me. Or any female with half of a brain, for that matter.
Today's segment of Tips for 'Tards is proudly brought to you by the letters F and V and is directed to all of those ignorant males out there. Don't say we never gave you anything :)

*If I am nice to you, it doesn't mean that I want to sleep with you or that I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you and require the same of you. Maybe, just maybe, I'm a nice person...at least, I am until you annoy me.
*If I tell you no the first time you ask me to dance, that answer isn't likely to change just because you've now asked me ten times. There is a reason I'm saying no, just take it like a true man and back off.
*There is a proper way to end a relationship, sleeping with someone else isn't it.
*I have a mind, and I like to use it most of the time. Patronizing me, telling me I'm wrong or ignoring me are all prime ways to get the rough side of my tongue...and not in the good way.
*Your good looks are only going to get you so far. So start working on your personality. If you don't think you need any help, ask a girl you don't know. I guarantee she'll have some tips for you.
And if these tips aren't enough, I can be reached here: randommeows@gmail.com
I'll be more than happy to help with your education. I might not even charge you too much, that's how nice I am. Now refer back to the first tip on exactly what that means.
Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend :) As always, any and all comments are welcome. I'll catch y'all in a few. And to my girls that are having a rough time...if it can't be punched in the face or thrown in the garbage, walk away and smile.