Monday, May 16, 2011

"Come and knock on our door..."

In hindsight, I should have known something was coming. Whenever a shitty week starts with you falling out of your shower and bruising an entire side of your ass, you should probably invest in some psychiatric care. Let's just suffice it to say that if it could have gone wrong this last week, it did.

I promised myself I wouldn't blog about all of this nonsense since it's not only about me. I can't be blasting other peoples' business all over the interwebs if I'm wanting them to still like me and stuffs. So instead, I'll tell you all about how the boyfriend hooked up this little antenna doo-dad and now we have an awesome channel that plays oldies sitcoms.

Case in point, I am currently being distracted from my writing by "Three's Company". Needless to say, I'm a happy kat :) Well, as happy as I can be, all things considered.

Anywho, due to recent stuffs, I will be solely working from home for the unforeseeable future. So any tips, ideas, suggestions or job offers should be promptly directed to the comment section below or emailed to me at:

And now that I've shamelessly pimped myself out, I'm gonna bail and curl up with some more "Three's Company" :) How's that for a Monday afternoon?

Until next time, take care loves! Toodles!

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